Nyt studiehus til studerende i city / New student house for students in city

Nyt studiehus til studerende i city / New student house for students in city

AAU’s ledelse har besluttet at samle studerende fra de kreative uddannelser under Det Humanistiske Fakultet og under det nye Fakultet for IT og Design på havnefronten i city for hermed at skabe et samlet kreativt og inspirerende studiemiljø.

Lagt online: 12.10.2016

English version below

Det nye studiehus indrettes i Rendsburggade 6 (den gule bygning, se billedet). Bygningens indre vil blive totalrenoveret indtil sommeren 2017, hvor huset indvies.

AAU ønsker at skabe et hus for studerende med gode vilkår for udviklingen af et tværfagligt studiemiljø, hvilket længe har været ønsket blandt mange af vores studerende. I Rendsburggade 6 vil studerende fra forskellige uddannelser komme til at dele hus, og der vil blive investeret i at skabe inspirerende og velindrettede omgivelser til projekt- og studiearbejde. Universitetet har store forventninger til dette initiativ, og vi er sikre på, at det vil blive en gevinst for de af jer, som fremover vil få arbejdspladser der.

Ændringen kommer til at omfatter HUM-studerende som i øjeblikket har til huse på niveau 3 i CREATE (Rendsburggade 14), idet gruppearbejdsfaciliteter for disse studerende i fremtiden vil være i Rendsburggade 6.

Der er tale om en ny beslutning og en række detaljer er endnu ikke faldet på plads. Men der skal ikke lægges skjul på at vi har høje ambitioner for det nye studiemiljø. Vi vil lægge stor vægt på at involvere og informere både undervisere og studerende løbende i processen med at designe de nye rum. Ønsket er, at skabe et dynamisk og tværfagligt studiemiljø, som fremadrettet vil danne rammerne for jeres arbejde.


Mikael Vetner
Institutleder Institut for Kommunikation

Falk Heinrich
Studieleder for skolen for Communication, Art and Technology (CAT)

Tom Nyvang
Formand for Studienævnet for Kommunikation og Digitale Medier



New student house for students in city

AAU’s management has decided to bring together students from the creative educational programmes under the Faculty of Humanities and the newly formed Faculty of IT and Design at the waterfront in the city. The ambition is to create a unified innovative and inspiring study environment. Rendsburggade 6 (the yellow building, see photo) will house the new Study Centre. It’s inside will be completely remodelled until summer 2017, when the house is planned to be inaugurated.

AAU wants to create a house for students with good facilities that supports the development of an interdisciplinary study environment, which has long been on the wish list of many of our students. In Rendsburggade 6, students from different programmes will come to share the space and AAU will invest in creating inspiring and well-arranged conditions for both project work and individual studies. The University has great expectations for this new initiative, and we are sure that it will be a win for those of you, who will get your workplace there.

This change will include HUM students currently housed on Level 3 at CREATE (Rendsburggade 14) in that these students’ group work facilities in the future will be in Rendsburggade 6.

This is a quite recent decision and not all details have yet fallen into place. But it should be no secret that we have quite high ambitions for the new study environment. We will see to that here is a good involvement of both teachers and students in the process of designing the new spaces. We aspire to create a dynamic and interdisciplinary study environment that prospectively will form the framework for your study.


Mikael Vetner
Head of Department of Communication and Psychology

Falk Heinrich
Head of Study, School of Communication, Art & Technology (CAT)

Tom Nyvang
Head of Study Board for Communication and Digital Media