Workshop on Research Impact

Workshop on Research Impact

Universities and research funding bodies are increasingly expected to demonstrate the impact of research and knowledge. Traditionally, most indicators have focused on publication output and economic benefits (e.g. numbers of spin-offs, patents, gross value added, jobs created). These are relatively straightforward to measure. It has turned out much trickier to answer how research programs and projects are bringing about broader societal benefits, such as policy advice, cultural change, community building or media influence.This workshop aims at presenting a number of impact taxonomies.


01.09.2017 kl. 09.00 - 16.30


The workshop celebrates the inauguration of the project Responsible Impact (ReAct) located at Department of Communication and Psychology, Aalborg University. Supported by the Obel Family Foundation, ReAct aims at developing a new and comprehensive understanding of impact pathways in the humanities and social sciences.

More about the workshop


Registration is free but required.


The Royal Danish Library, “Den Sorte Diamant”